


The “Vanitas” photos were created as part of an exhibition I made in collaboration with a “junk-art-sculptor” in the Cultural Centre “Odeon” in central Odense, Denmark. The inspiration for the work comes from the symbolism of life, death and folly as seen in 16th century Vanitas paintings.

Vanitas paintings are packed with symbols of life and death and human folly. What is your self-importance and vanity in the light of eternity? Your life is fragile like a soap bubble that will burst and disappear. "Menento mori" - remember you must die.

I have reworked the Vanitas message and given it a kitsch, surrealistic interpretation.

Narcissism and perfectionism are coaxing us into the conviction that we should strive to live up to an ideal physical perfection of beauty, performance, endurance and wealth.  With my photos I am reintroducing the Vanitas message to remind ourselves of the foolishness and transience of vanity.

Remember you must die - so live your imperfect life!



Billederne blev lavet  i 2018 til en udstilling i det nye kulturcenter Odeon i centrum af Odense. De er delvist inspireret af de gamle 1600-tals vanitas malerier.

Vanitas var et populært motiv i 1600’tallets billedkunst. Billederne var spækket med symboler på livet og døden og dårskaben. ”Memento mori” – husk at du skal dø. Hvad er din selvoptagethed og forfængelighed i evighedens lys? Dit liv er en sæbeboble, der brister og forsvinder på et øjeblik.

Vanitas I
Vanitas I
Vanitas II
Vanitas II
The man who looked through a telescope
The man who looked through a telescope
The last night at the theatre
The last night at the theatre
Memento Mori
Memento Mori

Toys and artefacts trapped in an eternal search for satisfaction
Jackpot Toys and artefacts trapped in an eternal search for satisfaction
Troubling toys

Farligt legetøj  

The unknown and ominous landscape of abandoned toys
Troubling toys Farligt legetøj The unknown and ominous landscape of abandoned toys
Forgotten land
Forgotten land
The fall of the Barbies

Inspired by renaissance apocalyptic images with added vanitas symbols and plastic kitsch
The fall of the Barbies Inspired by renaissance apocalyptic images with added vanitas symbols and plastic kitsch

Dengang var budskabet alvorligt ment. I billederne bruges det med et glimt i øjet. 1600’tals-kitsch. Men i en tid hvor alt skal se perfekt ud på overfladen - ikke mindst vore kroppe - har vi brug for budskabet fra 1600’tallets mestre. Husk at du skal dø - så lev dog dit uperfekte liv!

I modsætning til de øvrige billeder på hjemmesiden er farvefotografierne digitale og har været en tur gennem computeren.

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