Narrative images 1

the etarnal battle
the etarnal battle
He searched and searched
He searched and searched
Artemis og Actaeon
Artemis og Actaeon
Apollo and Daphne
Apollo and Daphne
the mermaid maker
the mermaid maker
disguised clones
disguised clones
swimwear fashion
swimwear fashion
Walk in the woods
Walk in the woods
Inhibited II
Inhibited II
Illusions I
Illusions I
illusions II
illusions II
Freudian photo
Freudian photo
Live pictures III
Live pictures III
Live pictures I
Live pictures I
Live pictures II
Live pictures II
The attic
The attic
Captive freedom
Captive freedom
The birth of Venus
The birth of Venus
forest elf
forest elf
On the way back
On the way back


Narrative images

A photo should be more than just a copy of whatever was in front of the camera, when the shutter went down. A good photo speaks to the imagination. Small things in a simple picture – Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile – can set the imagination going.


A photo can comprise of many elements that an observer can connect with to create their own stories. I like to make pictures that an observer can delve into and explore. Pictures that cange as the observer takes time to look at them and study the details. Pictures that tell a story. 

The stories told in the pictures are helped along by using tricks and illusions, all of which are done using traditional analogue film techniques (apart from the color photos and the first 3 black and white images which are digitally manipulated).


Narrative billeder

Et billede bør være andet og mere end en afbildning af det, der befandt sig foran kameraet, da der blev trykket på udløseren. Det skal tale til fantasien. Små ting i et simpelt billede – et gådefuldt smil som Mona Lisas – kan sætte fantasien i gang.


Men billedet kan også bestå af mange elementer, som betragteren kan sætte sammen til sin egen historie. Jeg kan lide at lave billeder, man kan gå på opdagelse i. Billeder som forandrer sig, hvis beskueren giver sig tid til at studere detaljerne. Billeder som fortæller en historie.


Historierne på denne side er hjulpet på vej med små trickeffekter – alle lavet ved hjælp af traditionelle fotografiske teknikker (bortset fra farvebillederne og de 3 første billeder, som er digitalt manipuleret). 

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